Friday 12 June 2015

Surveillance has become a norm in the world. Security cameras are everywhere. In essence, humans can record virtually everything. At least one person has a recording on any event, recorded intentionally or accidentally. One of the examples to show the surveillance culture is the Russian meteorite and police shootings in US. Check out the excerpt.
Surveillance Culture
The world is increasingly becoming sophisticated. Many people are adopting the emerging technologies, especially in surveillance. People are keeping a record of their lives and interesting events. Surveillance has become an important part of human life. Mounted cameras record almost every aspect of human lives. People mount the cameras mostly on vehicles, bicycles and homes. Mobile phone cameras have especially changed the game as people can record any event promptly using their mobile phones.

Surveillance has become a normal activity for people. An increase in the amount of videos uploaded online to social media and other video sites such as YouTube on random happenings around people lives. The events including crime, ceremonies and natural disasters, show how surveillance is an emerging trend. The evidence for increased surveillance by people is also shown by the number of videos of the same event. Most videos covering a similar event are taken from different angles and also with different resolutions. The recordings make it easy for individuals to identify the activities or happenings clearly in the video....continue reading 

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