Sunday 21 June 2015

Drones usage in the home-front and also in war has raised controversy. Activists have sought to block the usage  of drones by the police and also in targeted missile strikes. Read the essay below and find out the various issues surrounding drone warfare.
Drone Warfare
Drone warfare has become a common phenomenon with major world powers such as the United States, Russia and China using drones in war and reconnaissance missions. This has made the use of drones a major debate topic among individuals and states. Drones, otherwise known as Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), have a greater ability to penetrate dangerous zones to neutralize targets without risking the live of pilots and also conducting search and rescue missions. In this regard therefore, the use of drones should be supported as revolutionary advancement in containment of threats.

            Major debates are mostly based on the effectiveness of drones in combat and breach of privacy rights of civilians. Many civil organizations around the world have argued that drone attacks have claimed lives of both the targets and civilians. Most drone strikes are conducted in Pakistan and Afghanistan by NATO and US military against insurgents. This implies that unintended deaths may occur. However, drones are better in precision and therefore reduce strike errors by a higher index that manned aircrafts. It is thus incorrect to argue that drones are ineffective without comparing to other options that can be employed for the same task. This also leads to a reduction in pilot deaths in instances where planes are shot down.

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